Russell (R.A.) Davidson began writing when he was seven years old. His early work focused on poems and short stories for his mother, grandmother, and various school assignment. He recently published his first novel, Blood Power, and is finalizing a sequel. Amazon and Barnes and Noble readers describe his work as, “a refreshing take on the traditional crime novel,” and “a compelling story …, absorbing as it builds in intensity with each chapter.”
Russell Davidson is a retired Army veteran with over seventeen years of criminal investigative experience in both military and civilian law enforcement. Born in Limestone, ME, he spent his early childhood traveling the world as a military brat. Following in his father’s footsteps, he joined the military, and spent 20 years in the Army, retiring as a Chief Warrant Officer.
After retiring from the military, he moved into the business world. One to always seek self-improvement, he followed the normal patterns for advancement, completing his MBA and moving on toward his doctorate. It was during his doctoral studies that his wife, Damaris, noticed he was losing his drive and motivation. Russell has always loved writing. This love of writing fuels his favorite hobby, that of collecting old books. While his doctoral studies allowed him to put pen to paper, this was not the type of writing he longed for. With Damaris’ support, Russell stepped away from academia and turned his focus toward his writing career. Russell currently works full time for the government spending his nights and weekends honing his writing skills.
Russell (R.A.) Davidson currently lives in Oklahoma with his wife Damaris, their German shepherd, Sahara, and their cats Ember and Ash.